Petite Korean Bouquet


 Here’s our latest range of petite preserved bouquets. Rugged with natural beauty from the foliages, send this bouquet to your supermom! Utilise them by placing them in a jar after unwrapping the bouquet!.

Contents: Preserved Rose, Mini Austin Rose, 2 Types of Preserved Hydrangeas, Wheat, Preserved Eucalyptus, Preserved Limonium, Blue Ice, Preserved Caspedia, Dried Setarea Preserved Mini Thistle, Bunny Tail, Holland Phalaris.
Dimensions: 25cm(L) x 30cm(H) with wrapping
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As all items are handmade with love, each item will not be identical.
Our Preserved Roses are real and fresh, kept in a room with Dehumidifier which removes moisture and maintain its condition. 

*Care Note on Preserved Roses*
They are able to stay vibrant up to a year when there is no direct contact to sunlight, excessive heat or moisture.
No watering and minimal maintenance is required.
We provide care card for each purchase, to even further maintain the lifespan of the Roses and color, even after a year.

Additional information


Autumn Tone, Earthy Tone, Primrose Tone