Valentine’s Wrapped Bouquet


Make this Valentine’s Day celebration extra-special this year with our preserved bouquets! Intricately crafted with the finest of preserved roses, our bouquets are the ideal way to express your love and affection. Perfectly arranged in a romantic palette, choose from 4 different themes.

Contents: 3 shades of medium preserved roses, 4 types of preserved hydrangeas, preserved fern leaves, preserved eucalyptus, handmade heart-shaped bunny tails, preserved baby breaths, dried phalaris, preserved button flower, cream wrapping, transparent heart shaped motif wrapping, ribbon.

Dimensions: 40cm(H) x 30cm(D) inclusive of wrapping

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As all items are handmade with love, each item will not be identical.
Our Preserved Roses are real and fresh, kept in a room with Dehumidifier which removes moisture and maintain its condition. 

*Care Note on Preserved Roses*
They are able to stay vibrant up to a year when there is no direct contact to sunlight, excessive heat or moisture.
No watering and minimal maintenance is required.
We provide care card for each purchase, to even further maintain the lifespan of the Roses and color, even after a year.

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Classic Valentine, Hot Stuff, Lasting Tranquility, Vintage Affair